Matching Flooring with the Rest of your Design Materials
When it comes to designing a space, one of the most important design decisions is to source all of your materials in order to create a harmonious and balanced interior. Sourcing materials can be tricky when designing a bathroom or a kitchen where a lot of different materials need to be sourced— from the countertop, the cabinets, the backsplash to, of course, the flooring.
So how to create a balanced and harmonious design space?
- Balancing Warm and Cold Design Material
Although there really are no rules when it comes to designing an interior, the goal is to create a balanced feel. Any overly cold material, like marble or stone, could benefit from being counter-balanced by a warmer material like wood. We would advise step away, for example, from a full stone look which can give a room a cold and uninviting feel.
- Choosing One Undertone and Sticking with it
Another way to capture your design palette is to stick to one undertone: either warm, neutral, or cool. No matter what the color palette is, natural or colorful, choosing and setting the tone will create consistency and intent throughout the entire design.
- Creating a Controlled Contrast within your Material Palette
One of the most exciting aspects of designing a space is to create contrasting elements that echo each other. Not only will it create dynamism and modernity, but it will also make the space appear more spacious. So, have fun and let your wallpaper echo the undertones of your hardwood flooring for a chic and lively interior!