Mixing Flooring Types – Dos and Don’ts

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If you’re considering mixing flooring types in your home, you may feel a little hesitant— which floor types match best? Is it ok to mix materials? What’s the best way to ensure a consistent aesthetic in your home?

We understand these and other questions homeowners have when it comes to creating the perfect look. In this blog, we’ll discuss the dos and don’ts of how to mix flooring types for the perfect look.

Dos When Mixing Flooring Types


Do Your Research and Have a Plan

The most important step when mixing flooring types is to conduct your research and have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Take your time to explore the various types of flooring available. Consider the sizes, colors, and textures of the flooring you plan to use. You should also have a design scheme in mind, and be sure to take samples of the types of flooring you plan to combine to confirm that the colors look good together.

Do Consider Foot-Traffic 

When mixing flooring types, it is important to take into consideration the various levels of traffic in your home. For high-traffic areas like kitchens, entryways, and hallways you should utilize harder and more resistant materials like vinyl, laminate, and hardwood.

 For areas with lower traffic, like bedrooms and living spaces, you can choose softer types of flooring if you’d like.

Do Use Transitioning Elements

Another great “do” is to use a transitioning element. This can be achieved through the use of decorative carpets or area rugs to delineate one-floor type from the other. This helps to create a cohesive look between different types of materials.

Don’ts When Mixing Flooring Types


Don’t Try to Overcomplicate It

It is important to be mindful of the overall tones when mixing flooring types. If you use too many different colors, you may end up with a visually overwhelming interior. We recommend sticking to a more monochromatic look when it comes to mixing flooring types, opting for a range of tones within the same palette.

Don’t Install Without Checking Height

Also, make sure that the various flooring types installed in the same area are of similar height. This prevents an uneven surface which can be uncomfortable to walk on, and can also cause tripping. Make sure to calculate the height of the flooring you choose, to ensure that you don’t create too much difference in height between different flooring types.

Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches 

Last but not least, don’t forget the all-important finishing touches! Whether it’s adding in a lovely area rug or some nice furniture, don’t forget to put some thought into how the room is decorated. These simple final touches can have a huge impact on the overall look of your space.


Mixing flooring types can add depth and interest to any space, but it’s important to take the time to select the right colors, textures, and flooring types to create the look you want. By wisely and creatively incorporating different types of flooring, you can create a stylish and cohesive look and feel in your home.

Have any questions or need help finding your perfect flooring fit? Contact us here and one of our flooring specialists will be in touch soon.