Royal Floors: Flooring in Castles and Palaces

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If you’re curious about flooring in castles, you’ve come to the right spot. We’ll be covering some of the most popular types of flooring used in castles throughout history – particularly hardwood.

There are many famous royal estates around the world, each with its own unique flooring. From opulent rugs, elegant hardwood, simple pressed dirt, and rustic stone, the flooring in these royal buildings has always been a talking point.

We’ll also dive into:

  • Why hardwood was (and still is) a flooring favorite among royals
  • Other types of flooring used in castles and palaces
  • Our top royal-inspired flooring picks for your own kingdom
  • Tons of extra pics, tips, and tricks


Hardwood Flooring in Castles and Palaces

From the regal halls of Buckingham Palace to the majestic bedrooms of Windsor Castle, hardwood floors are a staple in some of the most famous palaces and castles around the world.

So, what makes hardwood so ideal for these grand spaces?

For one, hardwood is incredibly durable and can withstand the wear and tear of hundreds of years of foot traffic. While most people think of hardwood floors as a modern invention, these floors have been used in castles and palaces for centuries.

One of the oldest European castles, Windsor Castle, has had hardwood floors since the 11th century. And in France, the Palace of Versailles still has its original hardwood floors that date back to the 1600s.

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Hardwood’s longevity also isn’t just something seen in royal homes. A log cabin is home to America’s oldest hardwood floors – over 300 years old. You can read more about that here.

Another reason for hardwood flooring’s use in castles is its ease of maintenance. Unlike other flooring materials such as carpet or porous stone that are hard to keep clean, hardwood flooring is just a sweep away from being ready for a coronation ball.

A final reason is simply that hardwood floors add a level of sophistication and elegance that other flooring materials just can’t match. When aiming for grandeur, hardwood fits the flooring bill.

To recap, hardwood flooring was used in castles and other royal spaces due to:

  • Its durability and longevity
  • Its ease of care and maintenance
  • Its distinction as a sophisticated and luxurious material


Types of Flooring in Castles and Palaces

There are countless types of flooring that can be found in castles, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at some of the most popular types of flooring found in castles around the world:

Hardwood Floors: Hardwood flooring is one of the most popular types of flooring found in castles. It’s durable, easy to clean, and provided a classic look that was perfect for regal interiors. However, the main drawback to hardwood flooring in castles was its incompatibility with water or any liquid – a bit of an issue since many castles were constructed in humid environments. Hardwood was also difficult to acquire, especially in regions where hardwood trees weren’t native or abundant.

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Stone Floors: Stone flooring was a popular choice for castles due to stone’s durability and widespread availability, stone floors were cold to the touch and weren’t great for rooms that needed to be kept warm. They also were very hard and once cracked or broken, were challenging to replace.

Pressed Dirt Floors: Found in nearly every region of the world, dirt floors were a common sight in early castles. These floors were created by taking dirt from the castle grounds and pressing it into a solid floor. However, dirt floors were very difficult to keep clean and over time, would begin to crack and crumble.

Rugs and Carpet Floors: Not all castles had wood, stone, or pressed dirt floors – many had rugs and carpets too! Often paired with other flooring materials mentioned above, carpets and rugs were used to help insulate rooms and absorb noise. But their drawbacks included their cost, upkeep, and short lifespans compared to other flooring options. Rugs and carpets in castles were also challenging to keep clean, acting as a magnet for dirt, dust, and debris.

Blog Graphic for Royal Floors: Flooring in Castles and Palaces - Garrison Collection - Stone, Carpet, and Dirt Floors

So, while stone, rugs, and pressed dirt were used for flooring in castles, the top pick was hardwood. It was elegant, but still incredibly durable and easy to maintain. It’s the same reason why hardwood is a favorite among homeowners today.


Our Top Picks for Royal-Inspired Floors

For a truly regal look, consider parquet hardwood floors. They’re stunning, durable, and best of all add value to your home. While it’s hard to pick favorites, our top choices for a royal-inspired interior for Herringbone Parquet are Caffe and Nesso.

Seeking a more modern take on royal interiors? We recommend taking a look at Chevron Parquet. Two of our top picks are Vintage White Wash and Rovenza.

And if you’re going for royal and resilient, we recommend our newly released Summit Sky Collection. Water-resistant and durable, these floors are constructed out of SPC vinyl and are available in Chevron and Herringbone Parquet.

Want to get back to basics? Then look no further than wide plank flooring. Similar to what would be found in a castle, these floors are available in nearly every color, species, and texture.

But whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’ll love for years to come. After all, your castle is your home – so make it your own!


Finishing Up

We hope our dive into flooring in castles and palaces was helpful. While royal estates seem to garner a lot of attention, the floors often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. After all, many were around long before William Shakespeare was born.

If you have any questions, contact us here. Our flooring specialists are available 24/7 to answer any questions, make recommendations, or help you find your perfect flooring fit.